Word cloud about wrongful conviction

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Fall
Published: 2024-12-31
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The WCLR welcomes submissions for Volume 6 (2025)

Please go to the "Make a Submission" button on our front page, register, read the submission checklist and follow the Author Guidelines as described herein.



$100 USD - Gold prize  $75 USD - Silver prize -  $50 USD - Bronze prize

The WCLR is pleased to announce that our annual prizes of $100/75/50 USD (or equivalent value in other international currencies) will be awarded  to the students who submit the best papers on a topic of interest to our readers. Eligible students are those in law school or graduate students from other cognate disciplines. The papers must accompany an endorsement from the student's faculty member that in their opinion the paper is worthy of publication and must comply with our Submission Checklist and Author Guidelines. They will be reviewed by our Editorial Board. The Student Prizes will be announced in the third issue of each volume for submissions published in that volume.